Wednesday, September 26

So Swears the Fang!

Another quiet night on the webcomiks front. I've been at this for years! I will marry pencil and paper and there will be Costumentality. I swear.

Tomorrow...I begin to draw badly.


Friday, September 7

Not Much to Say

Well, I did finally get those stick figures into proportion. It felt great! I started fleshing a few out and realized I still need to work on natural posing. But....

On the verge of drawing an Addison picture, I gave out. I haven't had much luck sketching lately. The block is so bad, I've actually begun skipping lunch at work to avoid it. Not good!

So I'm reading "A Mind at a Time" to get myself back into the habit of eating lunch and having a lunch hour. Then I'll try and face the sketch pad again.

I'm thinking of taking a completely different tack and letting my immense image collection inspire me to scribble. If my lovely lady reconnects her scanner, I may scan some stick figures for your.

Until then (or a fortnight),