Friday, May 2

On the Move!

Well, I've finally taken the plunge. I've been spreading myself far too thinly for a long time, so I'm bringing all my points of access into one location.

If you want to read the kinda blogs you read here, then you'll have to turn your RSS feeds and bookmarks to: this link.

If you want it all, aim at my blog.

You will find all parts of my efforts combined into a big mixed blog. The categories will separate it into the old familiar content streams, so take your pick.

This is one of my first php-based web design efforts, so expect a little rough on the edges. I've integrated a blog, a forum and a wiki (as well as I could) to allow a better place for feedback rather than blog comments and to have a place where explanations can grow and evolve as my understandings of the world do.

I hope you like it and humbly invite you to join in the fun!


Wednesday, November 7


I'm going to take a little time off to write the first draft of Scattershot. If you want to follow my progress, check here regularly.


Tuesday, October 16


Wee! I did it. One artist's block down!

You can't imagine how many times I erased and redrew, erased and redrew and erased, but I finally got something that looks like a permanent design (or at least the start of one).

It's on my tablet computer waiting for me to ink it (the way I work in pencil hardly shows up when scanned - I know, I'm doing it wrong). Eventually, I'm going to work the whole process on the tablet without paper, but for now....

I'll post it as soon as I over come the next block: inking.



Sunday, October 7


Well, I'm giving the 'just do it' approach a try. I've started an Elaine shot for the first page with the 'this will be the one I post, no matter how bad it is' plan.

Half done. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, September 26

So Swears the Fang!

Another quiet night on the webcomiks front. I've been at this for years! I will marry pencil and paper and there will be Costumentality. I swear.

Tomorrow...I begin to draw badly.
